Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wasn't gonna post here drunk 001b

From a comment over at Ace of Spades....

Why shan't we import the Irish and Scots and Germans into an emptying Detroit for instance?

It's, ahem, fucking worked before you know, eh?

I only even saw on the mo-foing CBC how to buy a real, live great house for two thousand dollars there. Only 900 dollars for a new family house. Why aren't Micks'a' Thousand coming here?

I didn't know Detroit had 2 million people what, twenty years ago?

And now it's down to 800 thousand people. A multi-million people city is turning into a

From within. Fucking Zombie City Room. In the Dead of Night. Bring us again those hungry and weary and yearning for liberty masses from those who withstood at the Gates of Vienna.

Let it become New Amstercastle.

Some, somewhere, together, all of us believers and lovers of liberty, must unite against the tyrannies encircling the globes above and below the Earth.

A thirsty, starving Republic needs better food than the fodder Democracy tosses it into the troughs of the continuing corruption of certain too old Districts.

Funny though, I've more than once read of capital ideas in Richmond. (Cool how Louis Riel liked to play Cribbage. Lower Fort Garry Museum is an excellent place to recall Manitoba's unique heritage of liberty and its defense thereof .)

Yes, actually, we've got our martyr here at least.

He's a Christian. Half-white, half-Indian. Louis Riel. Got fucking hanged by our Ottawa government. Here in Manitoba. Fucking Federalists. Fuck them and the lengths of federalist papers they enforce us to sign.

But, perseverance is required.

Ha ha, for only then, if only, they Arose and

Slew the Dragon that had accosted them from

over a thousand years ago.

And Canada has Dehli too - it is not New here. They too have stood their stands.

Unstoppable when we unite. Hope prays for our deliverance.

And, to quote fucking Journey already, dammit, "Don't stop believing, don't stop


Dude, go to bed already. It's not like it's actual Ambrosia bottled...

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