Well hello! It's been a while since I've said hello here. So blessings be with you.
It's been a good weekend. But recently there's been kind of weird shit in life, y'know on the outside, socially, in society, in the world.
Like the whole H1N1 thing. That's become a big deal everywhere this year, eh?
But our fact is, we'll get the vaccine ourselves. I trust our Canadian government more than the U.S. government. Not implicitly, but more.
Especially since we've had a Conservative party in power for the last few years. God bless Canada. And God bless Israel. God bless the U.S.A. 'cuz they sure need it. A Muslim Marxist in power. Wow. They actually did gone and done it.
Canada's different though, eh. It has to do with the cold methinks, seriously. And that we're not fucking Europeans either. But them folks with fucked up ideas about... well... everything. Them and their crescent moon shit. Look into the details of that shite. Heh, shite. Double entandre there.
But yes, it's been a strange summer and autumn. Some difficulties along the way. But the Lord blesses and supports with each and every step.
Hey, so my wife and I met this guy today. He was of Quebec French background. Born, raised, and still having a house in Montreal, he was. A trucker though, so he didn't spend much time there. His Dad was an old school Frenchman, having emigrated from France, after living through the Nazi occupation of France during WWII.
My point? Hmmm. Let's find a couple, eh?
~ In building a defense, don't be as stupid as to expect to ward off your defenses from a Maginot line and allow yourself to be flanked by your enemy.
~ Don't let a culture subjugate your own
~ Your enemy is your fucking enemy. We serve the Lord eternally, and "the battle" never ends. Don't expect him to have changed since 1200 years ago just 'cuz his face has changed a little. His overall actions and words will indicate his heart and intent. That's fucking true for drunks in a bar wanting to borrow money or score some pussy or get into a fight, and it's true for peoples and nations who wanna fucking prison rape you but they're not big enough to force it out of you (or into you as it were) at once so they just wear you down with threats and promises of violence and getting their convict buddies or gang-bangers to help them in their violation of you, but they can and do nonetheless.
Yeah so fuck them fuckers. And God bless them too, in our prayers, 'cuz that's what our Lord asked us to do. Do you know how the Christian Golden Rule is different than all other cultures Golden Rule? Jesus asks His followers to have you do as you'd like others to do to you. Not the other fucking way, where you do as has been done to you.
The biggest protector of freedom and peace in the world? Why that would be the U.S. Armed Forces, who incidentally, is comprised, percentage wise, of mostly Southern whites. That's the Southern culture, to stand up for, and protect, the freedoms of love, light, and truth.
God bless the South. And Israel. And Canada.
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