Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Time Again!

Hello, and God bless us everyone!

Here it is, Christmas time again. It`s Christmas eve, and the cats are at their shenanigans again. Looks like Greta's getting a lump of coal for Christmas. Again.

The snow has fallen a few inches over the last couple of days now. The houses are warmly covered in rolling white blankets and lit with lights of all bright colours and decorations, like the stars in their constellations, all proclaiming the advent of the One, whom by grace was given to us, and was, and is, and will be the best and greatest gift ever given.

I celebrate the 5th Christmas with my darling (the 3rd as my wife) and we are in awe of life's blessings. It's the 4th without my Dad and the 2nd without my Mom. They are missed everyday, but at Christmas their absence is especially poignant.

But, pain truly also is a sweetener. It's not something that I myself ever want to prescribe, but when given by the hands of the benevolent Lord, its aftertaste certainly does leave a blessed edge.

Recently, for a month's ragged edge, I was given the task of dealing with major pain, again. A slightly compressed disc or lesion on a disc in my neck (still waiting on my MRI appointment to find out exactly) was pressing on my brachial nerve which runs down from the neck and branches out through the shoulder and further throughout the arm, back, and chest. It was some of the strongest pain I've ever had to deal with in my life. Top 3.

(Oh my! The Toy Symphony! One of the most exquisite pieces of music ever written! And at Christmas time just rapturous! We listened to it as a family every Christmas for all of my life.)

Ah yes, where was I? Waiting for my vodka & butter ripple schnapps to "louche". While I went I was finding the glass which I'll use for my absinthe. It's the French brand, Absenthe, but still I dearly look forward to it. Its louche from milky colour to green is apparently 5 of 5 stars. My wife bought me a 55 dollar bottle from the local and well-run Manitoba Liquor Mart. It is imported from France but made with "petite wormwood" and though not quite as distinctive an absinthe in the style of its pre-ban French ancestor, does still contain thujone, and is apparently a nice introduction to the realm of the Green Faery. The countdown is on for me - New Year's Eve is my night to open the bottle and imbibe the blessings. My eagerness grows each day.

Ah yes, but where was I before that? I've put Coldplay on now, they're so clean, every note is clear and beautiful.

Oh yes, Top 3. Well... let me just say I've got a dual passport and one of them is in the realm of pain. Since I've been 12 and the accident in which a car crushed my leg between itself and a fire hydrant on a city corner. The pains I've had to endure, throughout, without, full-out, still out, and long endure, and intensely, and unrelentingly, they have honed for me things and ways and glories that bade me always into either the light of grace or joy, which I try to strive toward each moment of my life. Such a wondrous tutor I've been assigned. I learn always every day. I'm not going to dissertate on the whole subject, I mention it to get to my larger point. Bear with me if you will. Cuz here we're gonna try to go...

Pain gives you focus. You learn humility. You learn grace. You learn patience. You learn love. You seek God and the truth. Things cut deeply, but they become polished on the inside, like smoothing out the etchings on fine crystal and it's clarities and intricacies and they reflect inside all the light you see into a beautiful, colourful, true prism of seeing more.

But the only one I trust with my pain is the Saviour Lord. And my wife. (And I trusted my parents with it too before they passed away). She has been a saint through my recent bout. It was crazy. All she had to deal with. Every moment for her was in a minor chord. Let me just say it was my heart that went out to her. Seeing me in unrelenting pain, day after night after day, was difficult for her, even when I tried to not complain about the difficulty I`d been given.

Severe pain is a strange and awesome realm to visit. It is frightening also. As a child and teenager, the hope of escaping its grasp was strong, and gave comfort. My Dad used to tell me that he knew it wouldn`t help much in the moment, but to remember the words of General Douglas MacArthur and say, "This too shall pass." It did help in the future though, as I looked back, and forward again.

But as an adult, and when no longer the majority of life is there to look upon, that hope is harder to find. Faith is tested as prayers seem unanswered. But they are not unanswered. Pain asks you to pray longer and harder, and begs you to remember so that your suffering is not in vain. It is so simple in its prime message, to count and remember and think of and be thankful for all the true blessings that Good Providence has bestowed upon you. Once realized, the intricacies of this message are then scribed very personally upon the inner workings of your being, and they will guide you forward into bigger, deeper and even more blessed realms, like grace, and forgiveness, and joy, and appreciation.

All the pains, remarkable, as well as prosaic, now have become dance partners in my life who, when they take hold, embrace, and twirl me into a kaleidoscope of inner workings, that faith and foundation utilize to etch further polished and crystalline designs upon my inner workings and my outer vision.

Blessings they truly are (though the absence of their presence is never missed, but when they do come, a reluctant sigh bids them cheers, though also a Godspeed in their leaving). Moments are truer, futures clearer, and joys more guaranteed.

Best, simplest, deepest put, as I can: it is grace earned, and grace learned.

And with that, I give you my humble blessings, and cheers, sincerely, and enthusiastically.

I'm in a good place. Hallelujah to blessings.


And let`s try to remember that Christmas has 12 days, the 1st one is on the 25th, when our Alpha Omega was born, and culminates with Epiphany, when the wise men came to discover and proclaim the arrival of The Lord, Christ, and Messiah.

See, on Christmas Day, we`ve still got 11 more days of yuletide Christmas blessings to enjoy and send!

Cheers, and God bless us everyone!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fun Times @ Ace of Spades HQ

Hello from the frozen Canadian climes this cold December's evening!

Just wanted to let all o' y'all know that there's some fun time of at Ace of Spades (I mean there usually is, it's a great blog and one of my favourite sites).

But Ace posted a blog that was admonishing his posters to not indulge in off-colour jokes that his gay, lesbian, and non-white friends would find offensive.

This seemed to irk some posters, and a veritable flurry of posting began.

Well, let me say no more, it's almost at 4000 as we speak. Go on and have a visit, see what all the fuss is aboot!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hello from November!

Well hello! It's been a while since I've said hello here. So blessings be with you.

It's been a good weekend. But recently there's been kind of weird shit in life, y'know on the outside, socially, in society, in the world.

Like the whole H1N1 thing. That's become a big deal everywhere this year, eh?

But our fact is, we'll get the vaccine ourselves. I trust our Canadian government more than the U.S. government. Not implicitly, but more.

Especially since we've had a Conservative party in power for the last few years. God bless Canada. And God bless Israel. God bless the U.S.A. 'cuz they sure need it. A Muslim Marxist in power. Wow. They actually did gone and done it.

Canada's different though, eh. It has to do with the cold methinks, seriously. And that we're not fucking Europeans either. But them folks with fucked up ideas about... well... everything. Them and their crescent moon shit. Look into the details of that shite. Heh, shite. Double entandre there.

But yes, it's been a strange summer and autumn. Some difficulties along the way. But the Lord blesses and supports with each and every step.

Hey, so my wife and I met this guy today. He was of Quebec French background. Born, raised, and still having a house in Montreal, he was. A trucker though, so he didn't spend much time there. His Dad was an old school Frenchman, having emigrated from France, after living through the Nazi occupation of France during WWII.

My point? Hmmm. Let's find a couple, eh?
~ In building a defense, don't be as stupid as to expect to ward off your defenses from a Maginot line and allow yourself to be flanked by your enemy.
~ Don't let a culture subjugate your own
~ Your enemy is your fucking enemy. We serve the Lord eternally, and "the battle" never ends. Don't expect him to have changed since 1200 years ago just 'cuz his face has changed a little. His overall actions and words will indicate his heart and intent. That's fucking true for drunks in a bar wanting to borrow money or score some pussy or get into a fight, and it's true for peoples and nations who wanna fucking prison rape you but they're not big enough to force it out of you (or into you as it were) at once so they just wear you down with threats and promises of violence and getting their convict buddies or gang-bangers to help them in their violation of you, but they can and do nonetheless.

Yeah so fuck them fuckers. And God bless them too, in our prayers, 'cuz that's what our Lord asked us to do. Do you know how the Christian Golden Rule is different than all other cultures Golden Rule? Jesus asks His followers to have you do as you'd like others to do to you. Not the other fucking way, where you do as has been done to you.

The biggest protector of freedom and peace in the world? Why that would be the U.S. Armed Forces, who incidentally, is comprised, percentage wise, of mostly Southern whites. That's the Southern culture, to stand up for, and protect, the freedoms of love, light, and truth.

God bless the South. And Israel. And Canada.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mazel Tov!

Well cheers, me hearteys.

I've just been too busy at work, and home, to lately give my salutations to any readers, and stumblers, who happen across this little place of ours.

But I'll raise my glass (or can of Carling at least) a few times tonight as I celebrate overcoming a few minor difficulties along this path we cleave, and in anticipation of a big event tomorrow (that is, Saturday the 22nd).

My challenge tonight shall then be to not get too fucked up, in order to be in fighting shape and game face for a fuckuva party as our (my darling wife and me) best couple friends, Karen & Adam, are finally getting married tomorrow after being together for almost 7 years. (This also is the weekend before my wife's and my coming 2nd anniversary on Tuesday, the 25th.)

All our friends are going to be there. Oh my, some blessed people will be gathered together in joy tomorrow. And then we're gonna get drunk! Hah, to quote Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys, "Gonna get drunk and stoned with my family and friends!"

My best man at my wedding, and elsewhere, is coming from outta town, and spending the night at our place, (in his tent in our backyard, cuz he's very allergic to cats and we've got teh 3 indoor kittehs,) and he hasn't got drunk at a social in years, not even ours, (cuz he was the signor of the liquor permit, and wanted to take his "responsibles" seriously and not get drunk during the event), and I'm gonna fucking spend money which is cool cuz I remember what is what like for our social and wedding two years ago, and how people gave of themselves and how it was a blessing to us.

And it's so blessed to how I've known Karen for years and how I'm finally going to be giving her away (Mazel Tov!) after all I've seen her through, and I'm so immensely happy and proud of her and her excellent man, and how he was just the shining knight she needed, and he's a good man and they are perfect for each other.

And I would dance with my Mom (if she hadn't passed away last year), and drink with my Dad (if he hadn't passed away three years ago), and laugh and be proud of who we are and from where we've come and how our ancestors made this country what it is.

But, I shall celebrate for them!

~~~ (Mazel Tov!) ~~~

(Major tip o' the hat to a song for our weekend, by the Black Eyed Peas, "I've Gotta Feeling", and of course, forever, Galatians 3:29, "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.')

God bless Israel, and God bless us everyone, and the God bless the U.S. Constitution.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

A little time travelling...

Ah, that hearkens me back to the day...

Days when I smoked some mighty fine hashish. There was more hash back then than there was pot. Ah, those young, carefree (except for the weights of worlds discovered and trudged and sweltered through), stoned, drunken days - growing still, roots, taking hold throughout my community where I was born and raised (and still live), no seeking fortunes in yonder hinterlands, but the depths of land and country, raised living, seeing, the Creation surrounding all around me in every waking hour.

And I shall post this as a piece of a larger entry, that is some of these summer words, where I can breathe the comfort of a warm August's night.

Cheers, oh yes, cheers! Despots shall not hold sway over our freedom. North America is uniquely blessed, and never its twain shall be met...

God bless us everyone!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Festive weekend

Wow, what a weekend! Partying Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night! A quick recap, to be expounded upon as whimsy decrees...

Partied till 4:30 on Friday night, to reluctantly get up at 8:30 in the morning for the town's yearly festival parade. It was great. I wore my "Ricky outfit" and my Drunkard's fez. Beer in the Canadian beer-wrap, you could still see the blue & yellow top of my beer can. My awesome boss came up to me, (you see, he's a fellow drinker, and appreciates that I also imbibe in the blessed nectars), points at my drink, and with a wink in his voice says to me, "Is that an iced tea?" "Yeah, it sure is!" I wink back at him and we both laugh. He goes back to his wife and he musta said something like, "I asked him if that was an iced tea!" She smiles and they both share the laugh too, as I smile back at them.

Just one of those little blessed moments that fill life, if you just let them in. That's the shit I'm talking about right there. It encapsulates so much good. The spirit of free-enterprise is strong with us and the company, and the importance of service. Freedom of business enterprise: he's my boss in a terrifically-run company who care and tend their employees, knowing the value of them. And they are successful and growing, despite even the apparent shitty economy. And every employee feels happy to work for the company.

My review of him as a boss is, "outstanding".

(to be continued...)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy, tired, blessed Friday night

All right, "Here, we, go."

Been a little while since I've been here too (just wrote that in a post over at the Modern Drunkard Forum). I seem to spend alot of time over at Ace of Spades, but they're having server issues tonight and comments are unable to be left or even accessed, which is cool, actually, as that has opened up a few other things for me. Nice.

I've got our holiday playlist from last week going, Bob Marley right now, and I'm just not in the mood for politics. My "ADD" (I'm not ADD really, just a short attention span "I have this condition..." and something my wife and I like to joke about) is in a funny kinda dance with a week long lack of sleep tonight. (Finally I found a period!)

Okay, so yes, life is good and God is great. I have a bit of a propensity to concern myself too much with details, one of the reasons that my Friday night drunkening is so valuable to me. It allows my worries about all those little nags of life, dandelions on the lawn, for instance, literally and figuratively, to be cast by the wayside. And I sincerely thank the Lord for those Good Creatures He's given us to help along our paths. Drink and plant and herb, I am grateful for them all.

My darling wife and I went out on a date earlier tonight, and we saw Public Enemies. I liked it. Not a perfect movie, but it brought some interesting and relevant history to our fore.

"Okay, I'm good for awhile... A little while." ~ Crystal on holiday at the campsite (heh heh, that was one of our ongoing jokes for a while. As is the "here we go" thing.

And there I've gone. I am all dressed up with no place to go and no one to see me. I'm wearing my white Zoot suit that I bought and wore for my wedding. Except with my favourite shiny black shirt, plus black-tassled, red
Modern Drunkard fez.

Heh, all right. Ace got his comments going again.

Went for a bike ride with a beer to visit my beautiful wife at her work. I woulda taped it all, but I had a beer in my one hand most of the trip.

two cans in my hand, i go to meet the bong I left for me on my front step...

...and come back with a bottle and shot glass of put-me-finally-into-sleep...

or push into round two...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Caturday!

Sorry I haven't been too active here lately. So rest assured that it is never forgotten, and shall only further develop in the future.

In the meantime, cheers!

And for something to post, here's some drunken Friday night's posting over at Ace of Spades HQ.

412 Well Holy fuck, eh? We made it to another Friday night, heh! Been a helluva week, great and hard. Like life.

Quick funny that made my barkeep laugh. Our local tavern (where he barkeeps) stocks a smaller amount of my favourite brew (Carling Lager, a discount beer the reason which I first bought it for, but since have come to favour over any other, even premium domsetic or imported - Carling is my home). There's only a few local regulars who regale it, but my dear and effervescent mother-in-law, being the good Christian servant she is, asks me a couple of weeks ago what my fave beer is, as they usually drink Labatt Lite. Naturally, I begin to extole the virtues of Carling and how I first stumbled upon it as a discount beer, but its high quality won me over quickly, and I now buy nothing else, even flush with payday moneys.
So I buy my pre-Friday Wednesday night 12 of beer and ask Terry the barkeep how many they have left. Only 2 he says, somebody other than regular bought one of them yesterday. It was my Mother-in-law buying one of my last cases to make me happy, depriving me of my holiday's second-next.

Mother fucker do I digress. Anyone else wearing their Modern Drunkard Fez? Been meaning to work on my blog some more, but... shmamina shmamina...

It's okay that I'm already fucked up. It's only 2:30 Friday night and I'm on holidays for the next 10 days!

Got a few things down from our evening together, mother fucker, I have not debated, or waited to speak, or laughed, so hard in a few fucking years!

My wife somehow asked me after work today about people who I've punched in my life. I thought, smiled, drank deep, and I said to my wife the only people I have punched repeatedly at once, are the two mother fuckers coming over here this evening.

Fuck... been that long for us mother-fuckers... joking about shit and shat, shat and shit... 20 fucking years we mix together in a few hours once or twice a times a year...

Been a year at least since the us of all of us had been having drinks to the degree that they call each of us.

All o y'all here post way too fucking fast for a Drunkard like me... but wow... yeah... I'm gonna run for Mayor of Boozetown...

My Friday pay-grade, after work, is... loving the blessings... cheers...

415 Hear ya jaleach - our second last, being our 5th annual Halloween Party, was chugging the last of the Wild Turkey and assaulting my buddy's Wiser's Rye afterwards. Threatening murder on each of our esteemed, yet drunken guests, clearly reminded me why whiskey is not for everybody, specially me.
421 Fucking Canadian East Coast Hip Hop dat's some nice shit. Somthing you can listen to a coupla tiimes in a row...

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 03:32 AM (yqnD8)

Fucking Canadian East Coast Hip Hop

It's funny listening to that. A song about weed. Back in the 1980s I was the biggest smoker. Dropped a ton of acid, too. Smoked and dropped for fucking years. Now I'm an ultraconservative. To the right of our beloved Hun, Attila. My old dope smoking buddies wouldn't recognize me. Well, they might right after I ordered their execution!

Posted by: jaleach at June 27, 2009 03:38 AM (gHrZU)
423 Yes, Yes, that is Sparks, I hearda that. Heh, a 6%, nice. I pared mine back to 4.9% Carling it helps me drink a few days in a row if I need to. Aww, I'm just having fun on my waves now... that balancing act of smoke and drinnk, green and brown, clear and amber all saluting at once.

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 03:42 AM (yqnD8)
424 Yes, my transformation has been a ... journey as well. My Damascus Road came at, ... phew, wow, 95 after a long journey through darkness and witchcraft till Nazi-ism, till, hallelujah, Christ got through to me.

Now I have Blood and scars behind me, I move forward everyday. My life is fulfilled beyond what I previously ever imagined.

The Puritans called Beer, "God's Good Creature". Aye, ....

God bless us, and God bless Ace...

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 03:57 AM

425 Too much information, please feel free to ignore anything I might be saying...

Great tip, btw, take out a 20% volume of your bong and replace it with blue mouthwash. The menthol just cools your lungs as you smoke...

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 04:01 AM
426 No, don't ignore anything I have to say. Afford me merely the grace I have been blessed enough to see.


Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 04:12 AM
427 Internationalism 101. Graduating student, with honors, Barry Obama, Kenya.

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 04:16 AM
428 PSALM 69: 22 Let their table become a asnare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.

Cap & trade? More like snare & trap. They all have stood and voted. It is uneven balances and the Lord tells us He doesn't like that.

Fuck 'em and God bless 'em.

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 05:36 AM
437 Some of y'all know I'm Canadian, and you might kinda know what our government is like up here.


It ain't like that in Canada! You now have a bona fide COMMUNIST in charge! Even fucking Pierre Trudeau wasn't as much of a rabid socialist as you saps have as your Commander-in-Chief.

WHAT the FUCK happened. I mean, this is like, "Oh my Lord" shit going on. It's done gone from typical US stuff, to biblical scary shit in half a fucking year.

But hey, welcome all yer asses up here, we're now one of the last top three Western countries in the world.

How about a huge influx of white Christians who've experienced tyranny and freedom in the realms of Eastern Europe? Why are their doors not WIDE open?

And sure as fuck we're the only serious Western nation in Israel's camp. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, sayeth our God.

Ya'll fuckers better clean house, one way, or another liberty tree other, in ought 10, or the subversion of 232 years of attacks againt the Blessed Republic will finally have won out.

So yes, may the Lord God bless, keep, and protect us, and shine Himself upon us. But we have to shine that light in everywhere we go and in everything we do. And fight the darkness wherever it might be seen.

To quote from an episode of Disorderly Conduct where the perpatrator was being detained in a police car against his adamant will, and upon the refusal of his strigent requests to be released, and the threat of his physical attempt to escape the backseat, told the police officers of his intent to smash-out the rear side window with his head, and upon their refusal to comply with the citizen's rights of refusal to be incarcerated, he proudly proclaimed the executions of his stated intent, "HERE WE GO!"

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 10:22 AM

438 "HERE, WE, GO!"

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 10:46 AM
369 {makes hand gesture}

Bacon! big fucking deal!

What about Israel? Pray for her everyday.

Did ya know that pig shit and pig fat is our secret weapon aginst the baddies?

Save yer bacon grease and use it as a weapon when they come for you...

A Euro-continent conquered by them, and here they fucking come. And we worry about illegals from Catholic countries. Fuck, when it comes, look at the UK, it's coming, y'all be blessed to fight with ANYONE Latino.

But us conservatives at Ace o Spades are so nice, we'd never say that ONE religion is teh problem.

Ultimately, in the end, you all know that's what it is gonna come down to...

Who are you blessings? Israel, or Islam? Fucking evil dipshit c*@t from corrupt Chicago, muzzie schools in Pakistan when it was illegal to go there, teh One went to further his Koran studies. Raised on the Koran, odds on him still at able to recite the Blood Verses?

The Tree of Liberty is shrieking for thee.
379 Us stupid, vain bastards. Is this our life? A few will come down to one.

Sorry, but still, send like one fucking email today. Just one to a Jew, Christian, or anyone (everyone) assaulted by their Taqwa.

And just pray. Jonah pleaded for love and freedom's sake.

Okay, goodnight for real ...

Posted by: The Drunken Conservative at June 27, 2009 02:20 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009

From a long-weekend Friday

' Ello then, (king-size would be the right length right now, motherfucker.), and 'ere we are. It's already quite a weekend, and it's Friday night only 2 am on a "summer hours" long week-end. This might be a little disjointed as I'm fairly drunk right now.

But, ah yes, what do we hold yet dear? That is to say, enough of us to remember what trust in government inevitably brings. Enslavement.

Tell me how it is that the mantra of "never again" was so quick to follow anyone's lips, yet now, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 years ago, the lesson of not repeating mistakes has been entirely sacrificed on the altar of apology, appeasement, and acquiescence.

Yeah, that's right, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung, Khrushchev, Pol Pot, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Yasar Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Il-Sung... to mention JUST a FEW motherfucking socialists. They've all been so peaceful and beneficial to the cause of humanity and freedom.

But wait, how exactly did ANY of that Socialism work out then, eh? Remind me. Was it the hundred million or two tortured and killed so that the "ones who know better" can take over the government, business, and education so that it's run "properly". No society has ever benefited from The suppression of freedom, the takeover of industry, this is fucking Communism.

However, a few nations remain, most notably Israel. Stalwartly defiant in the midst of continual threats and calls for its GENOCIDE. Fucking Hitlers and Chamberlains have again risen to the fore.

Our alcohol-blessed Churchill is stirring, somewhere. Let us pray for him, or her, and us all.

Yeah, Socialism, never been tried before, eh? Obama will make socialism better!

As his previous job as a community fund-raiser he's learned so much in how to foment, anger, and raise the rabble of the crowds to agitate for his beliefs.

Who was it who said that "a Communist is nothing but a Socialist in a violent hurry."

Freedom and Free Enterprise are the God given attributes of all Judeo-Christianity has fertilized and fought for through the Millenia.

And the battle wages still, from enemies within, and without.

Remember, there is the ONE common enemy who will never cease or stop till all others are subjugated to their 7th Century beliefs, the world over.

But, those fighting for goodness and truth and light are far more than the enemy would have us know. Stand up, look about, and fight.

God bless us everyone.

But, let our hearts not be troubled, now or ever. Just keep fighting the good fight in the arena, stadium, couch, or chair, wherever it is that God has put you on His good Earth.

Anyway, here's a little Friday night blessing...

To all, to each, a fair week-end,
with worries none,
and pleasures many.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

To Ace, May long

Long weekend in Canada, eh! Saturday morning Round 2 = woo-hoo!

It's Victoria Day on Monday, a National Holiday. Every good Canadian is at least getting drunk a coupla times this weekend.

Oh yeah, we also have a Conservative government. And a balanced budget. And we're actually paying down our debt with each fucking budget.

You know how good it feels when you're putting money on your credit card debt and you see that huge ass balance actually going down? That's Canada.

You know how shitty it feels when you've run up your credit card with stupid shit like that box of fudge from Moose Jaw and that pirate shot-glass from Florida and all that other shit in between? And you're maxed out on 4 of 5 of your cards and you don't know what the fuck to do cuz you're gonna be paying for those Wal-Mart trips forever. That's America.

Certified 52% stupid.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May has come...

May comes, and fills me with many blessings. So much pain, so many tears, so much blood as a child I had spilt. But so much it's brought. Oh, how winds of May have blown so mightily. Healed, healing, now still, growing, remembering, cheers-ing.

Hallelujah. What more to say. Hallelujah! What was it King David wrote on the sides of some of his Psalms... Selah!

Ah, the joy and merriness to abound in having a drink with him, eh? He knew about the struggles in life, about how important it was to maintain the path of right regardless of how bad you might fuck up. About how you ever strive to walk with God in your life. About how each scar all over your body tells a tale of how He has been there with you. Thirty years of scars and still so much of a tapestry to weave.

Cheers and God's blessings to one and all!

But my buddy the Aztec, well, I miss him dearly. Too long since he's graced us with his presence, though barely over a month ago. He's one of those guys who'll always be there for you no matter any of life's circumstance, even if you usually only see him 5 or 6 times a year. Can't wait to sit on the deck, fire going in the stone pit below us, graced by The Tragically Hip, Pink Floyd, a few specials tunes by the Doors, and every melody we can't wait to indulge and share.

Speaking, laughing, freely, we represent liberty, its brothers-step, walking side by side to our own drummer, though never forsaking each the other.

And yes, as Tiny Tim said vitally, "God bless us everyone!"

With cheers and blessings,
A Countryman

Options >>

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wasn't gonna post here drunk 001b

From a comment over at Ace of Spades....

Why shan't we import the Irish and Scots and Germans into an emptying Detroit for instance?

It's, ahem, fucking worked before you know, eh?

I only even saw on the mo-foing CBC how to buy a real, live great house for two thousand dollars there. Only 900 dollars for a new family house. Why aren't Micks'a' Thousand coming here?

I didn't know Detroit had 2 million people what, twenty years ago?

And now it's down to 800 thousand people. A multi-million people city is turning into a

From within. Fucking Zombie City Room. In the Dead of Night. Bring us again those hungry and weary and yearning for liberty masses from those who withstood at the Gates of Vienna.

Let it become New Amstercastle.

Some, somewhere, together, all of us believers and lovers of liberty, must unite against the tyrannies encircling the globes above and below the Earth.

A thirsty, starving Republic needs better food than the fodder Democracy tosses it into the troughs of the continuing corruption of certain too old Districts.

Funny though, I've more than once read of capital ideas in Richmond. (Cool how Louis Riel liked to play Cribbage. Lower Fort Garry Museum is an excellent place to recall Manitoba's unique heritage of liberty and its defense thereof .)

Yes, actually, we've got our martyr here at least.

He's a Christian. Half-white, half-Indian. Louis Riel. Got fucking hanged by our Ottawa government. Here in Manitoba. Fucking Federalists. Fuck them and the lengths of federalist papers they enforce us to sign.

But, perseverance is required.

Ha ha, for only then, if only, they Arose and

Slew the Dragon that had accosted them from

over a thousand years ago.

And Canada has Dehli too - it is not New here. They too have stood their stands.

Unstoppable when we unite. Hope prays for our deliverance.

And, to quote fucking Journey already, dammit, "Don't stop believing, don't stop


Dude, go to bed already. It's not like it's actual Ambrosia bottled...

Wasn't gonna post here drunk 001a

My dear darling wife and I went to a wedding today. It was for a beautiful couple who "outstands" in our community's circles too.

The reason? Because of their friendship, adoration, and smiling love.

And this, dearest all, this love and dearest happiness is to be, can't help but be, further shone.

Oh yes, there's the three couples who are shining now.

These cats who everybody notices, and sees what love should be like. That's the fuckin' representin' goin' on.

Oh, and that the people can make it without government mandating their futures.

Free enterprise holds onto freedom tighter, deeper, further, longer, than the best of any government ever has.

Let freedom reign!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A positive word about hip-hop

As there is with all music, there's different types of hip-hop. Some is ugly and disdainful. Some is sad and scary. But some hip-hop is uplifting and actually quite filled with traditional values.

When I'm in the mood for that kinda beat, that's the hip-hop I listen to, and it can actually elevate and inspire, and even solidify godly foundations.

I find a lot of that in Latino hip-hop especially. (Plus I've always had a thing for that Latin brass horn kinda sound that you find in some of this music.) There's ideas about monogamous love, and not misogynistic sexual prowess. About the desire to make your girlfriend a wife, about family, and loyalty, about God and community, about enjoying the blessings of life.

Now not every line in every song like that will be a perfect reflection of all things good and pure, and there's often a lot of rough language, and some, ahem, "drug use" and things like that, but I don't like to throw out the proverbial baby, so I try not to let that dissuade me from gleaning the good things out of life. (Who was it who said about the poem actually being what the reader gets from it?)

So yes, you have to exercise your powers of discretion and conscience, because certainly not all hip-hop is beneficent, or uplifting, and you have to search it out to find it, just like anything in life.

But, that all said, some favourite hip-hop artists with tunes that echo these ideals (or are just a lot of fun to listen to) would be, Lil Rob's Neighborhood Music, Just One Of Your Kisses, Can We Ride (one of the tunes my darling wife and I shared with the the town on our Wedding Drive), Summer Nights, Barely Getting By, and Drinking On My Driveway. (Drinking On My Driveway, fucking love that song! See, there's the ideas of liberty and private property and freedom and kinship and pride of tradition and value of humour, and much more, all wrapped up in a fun and alcohol-blessed motif.)

Lil Menace has a coupla songs I like to put in my playlist too. There's Throw Up Your Hood (I was cruising through the neigbourhoods last summer in my beautiful black Buick with that tune pumping, and as I got about half a block from the turn I was going to take, I noticed a couple of kids playing on the corner yard. The one boy, guess he musta been about 10, was watching my car and dancing to the music as I drove by. Man, that put a good smile on my face, and we just looked at each other as I drove by. Heh, I bet he's gonna appreciate some blessings when he grows up.)

Lil Menace also has the somber and moving Firme Memories, I listened to that and Kid Frost's Smile Now, Die Later (aka Family Thing) alot after my Mom followed my Dad to the grave last summer.

Gotta love Kemo the Blaxican's song La Receta, it'll always bring all the wonderful times of my Wedding year right back to me whenever I hear it.

Dr. Dre's Ain't Nuthin but a "G" Thang really hits the spot sometimes, unlike any other song (whenever we go to the local bar I always have to put it on in the big jukebox there), and of course, The Ghetto Boys have the anthemic Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta. Also, you can't forget the classic from Snoop, Gin 'n Juice, or a Friday after work favourite, Ice Cube's Today Was A Good Day.

In fact, I'm eagerly looking forward to stepping out on the deck tonight yet, (it's still Friday night to me!) and having a few more drinks with some excellent music to inspire and entertain me!

Cheers and blessings to all!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

These days

Keep the faith. Let not your heart be troubled.

Remember the Lord bade Solomon be king to pave the way for David.

See, every tyrant falls.

In the meantime, all we can do ourselves, is "Fight the good fight," as my dearly departed old man used to always say.

Share the light and love the truth.

And enjoy life.

Now I'm going to have my last Underberg, (nice to find them now in our local liquor store), open another beer, and reread the poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday noonish

All right. Cheers to any and everyone. Round two rocks. Every time.

I love freedom. I love God. I love good. Blessings abound. Why is that not clear in modern society?

Take me back to the days when states had their rights. When individuals relied on themselves and God to take care of them, and not the government.

Before Karl fucking Marx and all the Pandora's poison he released in the world. Fucking Red communists. Green Islam. They're all from the cult of death and darkness.

And now there's a red vortex swirling in Washington D.C.

Has this continent ever needed light shone unto and from it as before?

But, there is one thing America has going for it - the belief and faith in the Judeo-Christian Lord God. The U.S. is not like those agnostic, socialist, European, surrender professionals.

But now they are in the midst of losing their culture and heritage thanks to the "soft-socialism" they've embraced. Their Constitutional Republic has been under attack for decades, and now they've embraced an evil from within. God bless them. I eagerly await their salvation. I know from much personal experience that good can always come from bad, that in the hardest of times the light will shine brightest if you are open to it.

Canada too, is in danger, but has a foundation and culture of keeping their heritage alive. Being the neighbour of Strong, Proud America, Canada has always had to struggle to define and maintain its identity.

Even its struggle with Quebec too, has always helped force its own identity upon itself. We are more fortunate in that way than our American cousins.

And after November 4th 2008, I have never been happier or prouder to be a Canadian.

To again quote the blessed Tiny Tim, "God bless us every one!"

Saturday, March 21, 2009


All right. Welcome here. Hope you enjoy your visit. Have a few laughs perhaps, and maybe even venture to think a little about things. Thinking can be fun. Especially with a drink or two. Or three or four, or five or six, or seven or eight, or maybe even more. (Tip o' the hat to the Dropkick Murphys and their rendition of Auld Lang Syne!)

Let's find our sea legs and try to ride out the storms of these days together, shall we?

Oh, maybe I should have a quick little caveat and remind people that if you're a liberal or a tee-totaler, or an atheist, or a global-warming-warner, or a pick-a-flavour-of-offensee, well, you might not enjoy this little home as much as some of us do.

God bless us everyone said blessed Tiny Tim.

All right then. Let's have a drink. (Well, another, that is.)

Cheers. Cheers indeed.